About Me

Greetings and welcome to my professional website! I am Namig Abbasov, an incoming digital humanities analyst at Arizona State University. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University. I also hold a MA in International Relations and Dialogue Studies from Keele University, the United Kingdom, and a BA in Regional Studies and Economic Sciences from Baku Engineering University (former Qafqaz University), Azerbaijan. My research areas are armed conflict, state repression, authoritarian politics and democratization, human rights, and international and environmental security with a regional focus on broader Eurasian politics. My research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. My dissertation explores state repression against sexual minorities using a multi-method research design. I am passionate about using machine learning algorithms and ensemble forecasting as they offer powerful tools to evaluate the predictive power of models with various theoretical explanations and have immense potential to narrow the gap between theory and policy. I am dedicated to continuing professional growth with training in machine learning and large-scale data to resolve advanced research problems. As a scholar and educator, I feel a profound responsibility to conduct research that will yield findings that will go beyond academia and generate real change and progress even to a lesser extent.

My articles have been published or forthcoming in Foreign Policy Analysis, Problems of Post-Communism, Nations and Nationalism, Asia-Europe Journal, Caucasus Survey, and Middle East Policy.

Contact Information

namigaabbasov@gmail.com Namig.Abbasov@asu.edu

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